No-one agrees with me

Dear Auntie Trans,

I’m reaching out to you as we both appear to be women, we both care deeply about the children, and we share the same hair stylist. Why does no-one agree with me? Every time I appear on a television or radio interview, people just do not listen! They ask questions. Questions! What is wrong with them? People should just believe me. I’m a doctor. That must be enough to have people shut up and listen, mustn’t it? Is it because I’m a woman that interviewers like Andrew Neil will not accept what I tell them? He feels he has to mansplain everything and so, no matter what I say about puberty blockers being 100% reversible, and WPATH being the gold standard internationally acclaimed authority on all things gender, and there being no evidence that children regret transitioning, he keeps asking pointless and Riddikulus questions. Can you give me any advice? Forever Yours, Dr W

Dear Dr W,

My twin hearts go out to you. People not agreeing with us as women, men mansplaining, people questioning our authority as fake doctors, it can really, really make us wonder if perhaps we made a wrong choice somewhere back in our career and perhaps should have gone into plastic surgery rather than child mutilation. Since you do have Dr in front of your name and I only have Auntie, I feel reluctant to offer much advice. Perhaps declining future interviews would be sensible. Even with people not as well prepared as Andrew Neil, after all, you never know when some upstart journo might accidentally ask a real question, putting you on the spot and forcing you to choose between telling the truth and a lie. Not that you would ever lie, of course, you believe everything you say. And so it must be quite discombobulating to have people question you. Detransitioners. Parents. Ethical Boards. Magistrates. Judges. You never know who might take issue with your truth. Yes, perhaps the best advice I could give would be to cease and desist all interactions with people who might question you. Especially children and young adults who believe they are trans. These people may expect you to respond to their difficult and uncomfortable questions in years to come and better not to open that door now. After all, if someone you treat now can call you up in five years and ask you why you prescribed or recommended them to take an unsafe experimental drug, you would have brought this on yourself. Better to never have had the conversation in the first place. With sympathy, Auntie Trans