Hannah Barnes is King of Horror

There is a new King of Horror, and she is a queen! Hannah Barnes has rocketed up the horror charts following publication of her new book: Time To Think. Putting Stephen King to shame, Barnes’ compelling story weaves between truth, fact, and statistics leaving the reader shocked and disturbed and often in tears. Featuring anonymous cameos by those most affected by the unfolding medical scandal.

Dean Koontz is said to have handed Hannah one of his Bram Stoker Awards to recognise her contribution to the horror genre.

It has taken us at The Notional almost a year to finish reading Time To Think, not because it is poorly written, but because we could not cope with the horror of what has been done to young people. We stopped reading for months after reading this on page 118:

‘And then, in an astonishing aside, the researchers revealed that everyone in the early intervention group had at this point progressed from the blockers on to cross-sex hormones. A treatment with irreversible consequences. Every single one. It was Hutchinson’s ‘holy fcuk’ moment.’

We contacted FCUK for comment, but they declined to comment apparently as they are too busy celebrating Pride and the castration of our youth, the sterilising of children, and the mutilation of young bodies. We can see there would be lots to have pride in there.

NHS England released a brief statement.

No-one at the GIDS or the Tavistock could be reached for comment. Possibly because GIDS has now shut it’s doors and we suspect many of those responsible for the medical negligence practiced there have fled abroad to avoid facing prosecution. However, some brave souls have spoken out, and indeed did speak out over many years trying to warn about risks. If only people would have listened. Though isn’t that the way with horror stories? It is often those who first raise the alarm that are the first to be done away with.

We hope at some point to share a more extensive review of Time To Think. If you’d be interested, do let us know.