We at The Notional take the concept of editorial standards very seriously. However, we didn’t really pay much attention in English class at school and have only managed to progress to the giddy heights of publishing our own fake newspaper by reading an awful lot and remembering occasionally to proof-read, use a dictionary, and every now and then check whether we should be using its or it’s. (We do really feel we should know this. But we don’t.)
We think we like Oxford Commas.
Do feel free to complain if you spot something wrong. Not that we need to give you permission. It is a well known fact the surest way to get people to show they are reading your writing is to missspell something, or use of bad gramma.
Since some of you may feel our adherence to high editorial standards is abusive, do note that Police Scotland may be Kellie-Jay Keen to log a hate crime against us.