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Ross Greer’s Gross Rear Photo Competition

The Notional is delighted to partner with Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer in our new ‘Ross Greer’s Gross Rear Photo Competition’ (TM). Now out of government, the Scottish Greens have a LOT more time on their hands and can finally get back to thinking about cleaning up the environment instead of their previous focus on gender issues. Mr Greer, when he is not demonstrating on behalf of Hamas, is especially passionate about the visible effect of pollution. “When I’ve been in other countries,” Mr Greer told us, “you never see a dirty rear end. Other countries will fine you, on the spot, if not clean.”

Ross Greer’s spokestranswoman told us: “Calling out and shaming gross rears fits in well with our other Green policies, like banning wood burning stoves. Smoke, dirt, pollution, these are all things the Scottish Greens want to ban. Only when Scotland is clean, bright and shiny, like Ross Greer, will we finally hang up our cleaning cloth and call it a day.”

Every month we will accept entries for photos of the grossest rear of the week. This is a worldwide competition folks so if you would like to share your gross rear, send your photo to: grossrear @ thenotional . news

Here are a few gross rears to get you in the mood:

Gross Rear of car 3
Gross Rear of Car

100 Amendments Sat On A Wall…

You know how the song goes, 100 amendments sat on a wall, 100 amendments left, you take one down and laugh in their face, 99 amendments left on the wall. 99 amendments sat on a wall…

Occasionally the staff at The Notional like to get together and reminisce about the good old days. You know, when all the good people got together, knitted scarves, wore badges and merkins and protested at Holyrood. Not that we were there mind you. We are a fake news site, not a dishonest one.

Anyway, we were thinking back to watching the protests on the telly. Perhaps you remember, Stage 2 of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill had been completed. Our fly on the wall reporter – if we had one – was wearing scandalous green, white and purple underwear, and we witnessed every interaction in the committee , with amendment after amendment voted down, so you did not have to. And you did not have to. Perhaps it was a foregone conclusion. Yet, we at The Notional were disappointed regardless. Queue much crying, weeping and wailing. Little did we know then that it was not over yet, but at that time, with the SNP, the Greens and their quislings and fifth columnists in other parties, the future did not look green, purple or white. On that last, Humza must have been pleased.

Remember, fake news is great news.

Nicola Sturgeon’s Diary Three

We are delighted to share with you the third extract from Nicola Sturgeon’s eagerly awaited diary:


Humza’s Desert Island Discs

The Notional team enjoyed a fun and relaxing afternoon yesterday with Humza Yousaf as he shared his desert island disks. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we did.

Van Morrison – Brown Eyed Girl

Boney M. – Brown Girl in the Ring

The Mamas & the Papas – California Dreamin’

And in a surprise to all of us at The Notional, the final track Humza chose was:
Miranda Lambert – White Liar

Nicola Sturgeon’s Diary Two

We are delighted to share with you the second extract from Nicola Sturgeon’s eagerly awaited diary:


Jigsaw sales at all time high

Lady Dorrian launches her latest line of jigsaws today, cashing in on an unpreecedented popularity of jigsaws.

“Everyone loves a good jigsaw,” Lady Dorrian said in our interview. “It is so good to see them making a comeback.”

One of Scotland’s most senior judges, Lady Dorrian gained notoriety following her jailing of Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan for media contempt of court during the trial of Alex Salmond – now leader of the newly formed Alba Party. Craig Murray is the first and only person to be imprisoned for jigsaw identification in over 70 years according to an Early Day Motion presented to the UK Parliament. Lady Dorrian was criticized at the time for refusing to consider a more lenient sentence.

Reviews of Lady Dorrian’s jigsaw range are in the four and five star range on Amazon with some comments indicating they are among the hardest jigsaws to piece together. This may be because each completed jigsaw is a single block of colour ensuring that no-one can be identified.

The team at The Notional do wonder why it was that despite Mr Salmond being innocent until proven guilty, and subsequently found not guilty, Lady Dorrian did allow him to be identified. Perhaps we’ll never know.

Suffering Anti-Islamophobia

Occasionally one hears a politician speak the truth. Not intentionally, yet truth has a way of finding its way out. So it was with Keith Brown, former MSP for Ochil, during the debate on the motion S6M-12855 in the name of Russell Findlay (Repealing the Hate Crime Act). Keith is concerned for those of us fearful in our own homes, who are suffering anti-islamophobia. We don’t think Keith quite understood what he was saying. You can listen here:


It took us at The Notional aback. Even after we’d listened and rewatched the clip several times, was he really saying what he said? Inadvertently, Keith Brown spoke for most of Scotland with this brief statement. Then he went on and voted to keep the Hate Crime Act.

Later on in the same debate, Angela Constance, former MSP for Livingston, who in an expert display of doublespeak warned about rewriting history, went on to rewrite history. https://www.scottishparliament.tv/meeting/scottish-conservative-and-unionist-party-debate-repealing-the-hate-crime-act-april-17-2024?clip_start=16:53:51&clip_end=16:54:01

We live in interesting times, dear reader. Who cursed us with these politicians?

Blackford to Moonlight for Sandyford Clinic

In a joint statement put out by Sandyford Clinic and Ian Blackford MP, the SNP politician announced he will be holding a “Surgery in Portree next Thursday, 25th April.” Anyone who identifies as trans is invited to ring his office if you would like to make an appointment.

Giving background on this story, a senior clinical lead at Sandyford Clinic had this to say: “Now we are no longer issuing puberty blockers we have increased capacity to roll out more surgeries and reduce the waiting list. Ian Blackford volunteering in this way is much appreciated. We understand he has been holding surgeries at Portree for some time. Fortunately no clinical experience is necessary as all trans affirming treatments are experimental and we make it up as we go along.”

Sandyford Butchery Store Opening Soon

An announcement from Sandyford Clinic that they are expanding their services to include a new Butchers Store was received by the Notional today.

“Our staff are highly skilled butchers with years of experience. We’ll be offering a range of cuts, sure to please many of our existing customers. All of our cuts are certified halal.”

While some existing customers did welcome the announcement, others expressed concerns that Sandyford may have expanded too soon and that to have any chance of being served by the new Butchers, customers may have had to start queuing in 2018.

Gender Ideology is Dead – was anyone watching?

We were. All of us at The Notional. Gripped by the devastating report given by UK Health Secretary Victoria Atkins’s statement on the Cass Review in Parliament this week.

Gender ideology is dead, we told ourselves. How can it survive? The leaked WPATH Files, the CASS Report, how can anyone still believe gender ideology is good or healthy or desirable? There are no trans kids. It has all been a myth.

Then we wake up the next morning and… was anyone actually watching? How many people have read the CASS Report? Not even us, as a collective. We’re still working through it. And the WPATH Files? Who has time to read through those?

Gender ideology is dead, yet like a zombie, it continues to wreak havoc. What will it take to stop the horror?